This morning I was doing my wifely duty of washing laundry, and since our laundry room is in our carport, I could hear a high pitched squawking sound. At first I thought Brayden was making some strange noise inside, but I quickly realized that it was the sound of a bird. I stuck my head out the door and saw our sweet cat Callie torturing a beautiful little bird. I didn't see any blood or feathers, so I figured it was still early in the process, so I grabbed Callie by the neck and pried her jaws off of this poor birds neck. She was not too happy about me intervening but I'm sure the bird was grateful. He just sat there and looked around. I think his leg was broken. I called Lance outside to come "take care of it" but before he took it away I wanted to take some pictures. The bird was so pretty and kind of looked like it should be somebody's pet, so I looked it up on the internet, and sure enough it is a Blue Parakeet. I really wanted to put it in a box on the front porch to see if it got any better, but Lance wouldn't let me. I'm such a sucker for animals. :-(