Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Wonderful Father!

First off, Happy Fathers Day to any dads who read my blog. I actually started this blog on Fathers Day, but I am finishing it today because last night Lance wanted to watch movie. But regardless of what day it is or isn't, I just wanted to share some thoughts about my father, Dr. Gary Shouppe.

I am richly blessed with two wonderful parents. They are both godly, above all things, they are in love with each other (which is rare these days), they are hard working people of their word (another rare thing), and I KNOW they love me. My father is to me the model father. He has always been firm but loving, fun and outgoing, encouraging, engaged in my life, and supportive. Although we clashed at times when I was teen, I never doubted his motives were love. I can honestly say that I am proud of my father. He just retired this summer, and to hear so many fellow educators proclaim how wonderful he was to work with or work for was amazing. I realized that he not only has guided and molded my life, but the lives of countless others. My father is a hero with a legacy. A legacy that will live on in every child, teacher, parent, friend that he has impacted. Dad, even though you probably will never read this, I love you and admire you more than you know. You are a hero to me, and I am so proud to be the daughter of Dr. Gary A. Shouppe. I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Fathers day!

A picture of my father with his mother, Betty Shouppe. Two of my favorite people in the world!

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