This past Saturday I had a triple family session. My friend AC called set things up, and we decided to do the session inside since so many babies were involved. Good thing we did, because it poured down rain. We held the session at AC's aunts house, which was gorgeous inside and out. Oh how I wish we could have gone out in the yard. :( After getting off to a bit of a rough start because of my prego brain, I think the session went rather well considering we had 6 kids to keep happy. I hope you guys like your preview. I wish I could post more, but I will leave you with just a taste for now. Thanks for your patience and flexibility!
These look great. What a cool house for photography! Love those windows!
Who am i? Well, I am a child of God by the grace of God. I am a wife to an amazing husband and a mommy to two sweet little boys... well sometimes their sweet but mostly their loud, messy, crazy little monkeys. I'm also shoot people for a living. I am a portrait photographer.
These look great. What a cool house for photography! Love those windows!
Thanks Holly! I just wished we could have gone outside! It was so pretty in the yard.
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