Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year... New everything!

I am so excited because hopefully by Wednesday I will have launched my brand spankin new web site! With my current website there are some issues with the galleries for users of certain web browsers (ie Firefox and Safari), so I have been itching to get a super sleek user friendly site for a while. My new site will have my updated portfolio with bigger pictures, updated prices and information, hopefully a better picture of me, music and one very special perk. My customers will now have the ability to view their session proofs directly on my site! You just don't know how excited I am about that! I am very extremely over the top excited... now you know. :-) I know I have not posted a session blog in a little bit, and so I am hoping to redeem myself with the new website. So, those of you who keep up with my going ons, and those of you who don't, go check out my new website next week. You will know its new because there will be a picture on the Splash page instead of just my name. Well, it is time for my hourly giddy dance, so I need to run.

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