The Wood Family Session Preview- Columbus, GA Portrait Photographer
I have know the Wood family for quite a long while. Carol Ann worked with my father in education, and they also used to be my customers at N. Columbus Pharmacy before I got rich and famous as a photographer. The rich and famous part is a joke people! Anyhoo, I was really excited to take the Woods' family portraits. It's always nice to take pictures of people you've known for a while... there isn't the need for introductions and stuff. A friend of mine, John Helms assisted me with the shoot, which was sort of ironic because Carol Ann was his first grade teacher. She had a really interesting story to share about John and pencil erasers, but I will leave that one for John to tell. ;-) Needless to say, we had a pretty fun time taking pictures, sharing stories, sweating... you know fun stuff. Wood family, I hope you enjoy your preview!
Who am i? Well, I am a child of God by the grace of God. I am a wife to an amazing husband and a mommy to two sweet little boys... well sometimes their sweet but mostly their loud, messy, crazy little monkeys. I'm also shoot people for a living. I am a portrait photographer.
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