Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby Noah...a few favorites

Five weeks ago, one of my best friends in the whole wide world, Brandy, gave birth to her first child, Noah. Brandy was the first to get married out of our "group of friends" so we have been waiting for this for some time. :-) Noah is absolutely a gorgeous baby, so I just couldn't help going ahead and editing a few of my favorites from our session. This little man was definitely a wiggle worm, and he paid me back a couple of times for making him pose naked. But I guess that's just what makes baby portraits fun. Brandy and Denny, I am so proud of you guys! I know you are such great parents, and you could not have made a cuter bundle of joy! I love you and I hope you enjoy this little sneak peak. :-)

Monday, December 8, 2008

"D" and "L" Tied the Knot and I have the preview to proove it!

Saturday, D&L said "I do"s at Evangel Temple in Columbus, and I had the honor of photographing their special day. We got things off to a very early start at 7am! It was cold outside, but both the boys and girls hung with me and we got some pretty good shots. The wedding party were all great sports, and I truly enjoyed myself. Its always nice to laugh on the job. This was my last wedding until the summer, and I thought it was a good one to end the year with. D&L, thank you for allowing me the pleasure of being your photographer. Enjoy your preview!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The "C" Family Session Preview

I attend CrossPointe Church with "R", "D" and their two boys "B&B." I admire their family a great deal, so I really enjoyed taking their family portraits. "B&B" are some of the best boys that I have photographed. They were still boys, but they were definitely a pleasure. R and D, your portraits are almost complete, and I hope you enjoy your preview.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Triple Family Session

This past Saturday I had a triple family session. My friend AC called set things up, and we decided to do the session inside since so many babies were involved. Good thing we did, because it poured down rain. We held the session at AC's aunts house, which was gorgeous inside and out. Oh how I wish we could have gone out in the yard. :( After getting off to a bit of a rough start because of my prego brain, I think the session went rather well considering we had 6 kids to keep happy. I hope you guys like your preview. I wish I could post more, but I will leave you with just a taste for now. Thanks for your patience and flexibility!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"T-H" Family Session Preview

Sunday, I had a session with the "T-H" family. We actually went out to the Ogden Compound (my term for the family land in Ellerslie) and shot around the lake because little cool man, Mr. LH, loves the water. I think there are now more rocks in the lake than there are out (hehe), but we had fun despite the cold weather and that's what counts. :-) "T-H" family, thanks for giving me the opportunity to capture your memories. I hope you enjoy your preview. The rest will be done soon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"H" Family Session Preview

Saturday, I had session with the "H" family. B and S have two adorable boys, and I enjoyed our session very much. Unfortunately, the weather was working against us. It was very cold with the gusty winds, so we didn't spend as much time as I usually like to spend in a session. B and S, enjoy your preview. I will talk to you soon.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

"D" and "A" session preview

"D" and "A" were referred to me by one of D's co-workers (Thanks "KM") and wanted to get some portraits done for the holidays. We chose to do their session in Callaway Gardens. I always love to do portrait sessions there. No matter what time of year, you can be assured it will be gorgeous! I definitely enjoyed getting to know D and A. They were lots of fun to be around. Here are some of my favorites from the session. D and A, enjoy your preview.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Callie's Catch

This morning I was doing my wifely duty of washing laundry, and since our laundry room is in our carport, I could hear a high pitched squawking sound. At first I thought Brayden was making some strange noise inside, but I quickly realized that it was the sound of a bird. I stuck my head out the door and saw our sweet cat Callie torturing a beautiful little bird. I didn't see any blood or feathers, so I figured it was still early in the process, so I grabbed Callie by the neck and pried her jaws off of this poor birds neck. She was not too happy about me intervening but I'm sure the bird was grateful. He just sat there and looked around. I think his leg was broken. I called Lance outside to come "take care of it" but before he took it away I wanted to take some pictures. The bird was so pretty and kind of looked like it should be somebody's pet, so I looked it up on the internet, and sure enough it is a Blue Parakeet. I really wanted to put it in a box on the front porch to see if it got any better, but Lance wouldn't let me. I'm such a sucker for animals. :-(

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Evangelista Family Preview

Tuesday I had a portrait session with the Evangelista's. Brad is our pastor at CrossPointe Church, and Jennifer is Brayden and Asher's pediatrician. They have three boys and one girl, so we had our hands full. We went out to a friend's farm near Pine Mt. and it was beautiful! What a great place for pictures. Unfortunately the farm came with a pair of attention hungry dogs that gained plenty of attention from the boys. I think that was our biggest challenge, even topping "A"s skinned up knee :-( but overall, I was pleased with the amount of good shots that we got. Evangelista family, thanks for kicking off my holiday madness. I had a lot of fun with you all!