Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Personal Update

I haven't posted anything since I went on bed rest over 5 weeks ago, so I wanted to post an update of what's been going on with me pregnancy wise.

I have 1 1/2 weeks left of bed rest and meds to control my contractions, and I am super excited about being free for a little bit. I have been a very bad bed rest patient the last 4 days or so. My nesting urges were uncontainable, so we spent the past weekend getting Asher's nursery ready. I had some wonderful friends come over to help paint the walls (I sat and watched) and my mom has come over several days to help me get things organized. Our house looks like we have moved. There is stuff everywhere since Asher's room used to be my office. It feels really good to have a cute little nursery for my little one to come home to... even though there isn't a whole lot other than furniture to fill it.

Health wise, I have been doing ok. I went to the hospital a couple of weeks ago because I was having some contractions that wouldn't go away. They hooked me up to an IV and gave me some medication that knocked me out, and finally, after a double dose of the medication I take everyday, the contractions slowed way down. That was my last episode of stubborn contractions. Now, I have been dealing with elevated blood pressure. My normal blood pressure (bp) is usually 100-110/50-55, but since February it's been on the rise. The last few weeks when they check my bp at my doctors appointment, it's been 125-138/65-80. Last night, it was 139/91 and this morning shortly after waking up, it was 136/88. My doctors don't seem too worried since I don't have any of the other symptoms of preeclampsia but it really bothers me that my bp is almost 30 points higher than normal. Good news is, I don't have that much longer to worry about it.

Not being able to work is driving me nuts. This gorgeous weather has really been making it hard. I'm really looking forward to the sessions and weddings I have scheduled for when I return from maternity leave. Of course I'm also really looking forward to all the newborn practice I'm going to get. Hopefully in a few weeks, I will be able to post some pictures of my sweet little Asher for you to see.

Until next time....